Saundra Mckenna is an extremely passionate and focused writer. Excited by the creative process, weaving words together to evoke a visceral experience for the reader - viewer and because Saundra is so visually oriented, she loves writing screenplays.
Co-writer: PIRATE CAMP, a feature length film. Through the mists onto a magical island, a place where kids get transported beyond the boundaries of time to learn of the pirate's positive strengths, they learn to: develop their sense of adventure, become fearless, have great fun, become strong and individualistic, all the while they free their minds discovering they can do anything, become whomever they wish to be. Until Hookbeard's secret gets revealed... PC premiered Winter 2007.
Writer: BEYOND AVALON, the RETURN of the SWORD is an original feature-length screenplay set in the future. As the world plummets towards annihilation, the rightful heir to Excalibur summons The Lady of the Lake to claim the sword of power. The story blends Celtic Mythology and Eastern Mysticism. This project is under consideration as a major studio production.
feature-length screenplay based on the story outline by director,
Michael Kastenbaum. Passionate about wanting to create positive changes
in the world, the kind and sensitive activist, Nikkie, goes to extreme
measures to make a difference.
Writer: developing a television series with a sense of humour around serious issues, based on a non-fiction book; under NDA on this project.
Contributing writer in the creation of the screenplay for the movie CRAVING BEAUTY, an adventure/relationship story with a philosophical premise - the evolution of human consciousness toward a healthier future for mankind and the planet.
Writer: STRIP IF YOU MEET THE BUDDHA ON THE ROAD, a feature-length screenplay, based on the daughter of Holocaust survivors' inspiring life story, revolves around Sylvie who became a Mayfair centerfold and danced naked on the Mitchell Brothers stage in the name of her guru, Osho, Bhagwan Shri Ragnesh. She transforms from stripper to therapist taking people on healing sojourns with dolphins in the wild.
Writer: polishing an original feature-length screenplay, MAGDALENE UNVEILED, Saundra researched the same resources Dan Brown used for THE DAVINCI CODE, i.e. from The Gospels According to Mary Magdalene, Thomas, and Judas, The Nag Hammadi scrolls, The Gnostic Gospels, and The Dead Sea Scrolls. Threaded between the present day and 2000 years ago, Anna Marie's inherited gift of visions plunges her into experiencing untold versions from the life of Mary Magdalene and Yeshua ben Joseph. Writer: developing an original feature-length screenplay, THE SHAMAN'S BOWL - seduced by the potential promotion, journalist Sophie who is on location in Nairobi, Africa, agrees to lie on camera, after which realizes that she's crossed the line within herself and as a result of unclear thinking almost dies... While under the care of a remote tribe's shaman, she slips between this existence and an alternate lifetime - one that many would consider quite controversial. Writer: developing an original feature-length screenplay with writing partner Marci Winters, riSING & fALLing explores the impact of several life-changing events in the Boulette family while picking up the pieces in the aftermath from hurricane Katrina. Writer: an original novel: god candy: sipping nectar... embracing uncertainties... inhaling aphrodisiacs...
As a published author of non-fiction and poetry, Saundra has also written ten shorts and more than a dozen treatments for feature films.
After studying pre-med at Johns Hopkins University, and graduating from the University of California, San Francisco, Saundra had a successful OB/GYN medical practice in Santa Fe, New Mexico and a GYN practice on Kauai, Hawai'i, as a certified nurse-midwife/nurse-practitioner. She is the author of THE PHYTOGENIC HORMONE SOLUTION, published by Random House in December 2002, and in 2004, the American Poetry Society nominated her for best poet of the year and placed third.